Rules, regulations and constitutional provisions are mechanical in nature
while societies are organic. Therefore rules and statues are changed off
and on so that these are adjusted to the needs of a society. However, in
the case of Pakistan, the successive rulers, whether dictators or
democrats, incorporated amendments in constitution to serve their
personal interests.
The case of 18th Amendment is different from previous
amendments in the sense that it was introduced through all partisan
approach. The PPP-led Federal Government during 2008-2013 might
have not performed well in other fields but on parliamentary sector, it
achieved a landmark by adopting the 18th Amendment bill unanimously.
In the foregoing pages, main features of the 18th Amendment have been
taken to account.
After adoption of 18th Amendment, a serious rift emerged
between judiciary and Parliament on the question of judges’ appointment
procedure. Nevertheless both the organs of government wisely resolved
the issue which resulted in incorporation of 19th Amendment in the
Hopefully, guaranteeing provincial autonomy and shifting of
power balance to parliament and elected Prime Minister will usher new
democratic era in Pakistan. The hanging sword of Article 58(2) (b) was
removed which, together with other factors, enabled the elected
government to complete its term in 2013. The hitherto toothless Election
Commission asserted itself and tough code of conduct was applied to
intending candidates in the May 2013 general election. The appointment
of care taker governments in centre and provinces was exactly on the
pattern suggested by the 18th Amendment. In short, the adoption of 18th
Amendment will be remembered as a great occasion in the political and
constitutional history of Pakistan
Reviewed by Zintovlogs
October 14, 2019

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