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Life with no relationships is akin to flowers with no fragrance

Life with no relationships is akin to flowers with no fragrance, birds with no songs and humans with no emotions or feelings.

Its famously acknowledged all around the globe that distance does not affect relationships ingrained deep into hearts but this invocation is purportedly mistaken or rather taken out of emotional fragility. The more you stay close to the loved ones stronger the bond you build for love and affection even the most pure motherly love demands reaffirmation every now and then. Geographical compulsions often drive wedge between erstwhile unbreakable and remarkably tight knitted relations. We humans get close the the ones we interact and inadvertently start to care less about those we don't see around.

This state of affairs culminates in seemingly less and less sensitivity thus squeezing the space we once create for people we hold close to heart.

In this age of materialistic approach, people deem necessary interest above all and emotions are put on back burner for emotions are not everything to live a -what is considered - economically speaking, successful life for success is counted in dollars, hefty bank balance or the means one proudly can show off.

Its here the emotions lose charm.
A generation ago when we the people of this age were in our adolescence, first and foremost insistence would be put onto giving respect to those who are true to their words no matter how odd their appearances might be. As the time took leap and age of technology griped our dear selves into its grasp, teachings of elders went out of the window and priorities got changed right away contrary to the lessons of ages old wisdom.

What we witness now is the insult of ones own conscience.

Relationships are built based on petty material interests and not on eternal respect and love which once used to be essence of humanity.

Even better than us are the animals who put their families - in blood terms - ahead of everything and in the long run this love is paid off in kind by the next generation. Life code of the Wolf is an apt metaphor to quote in this regard. Elder and physically weak members of the pack are taken care of by the powerful and young adults and are not left behind to die coughing in the cold winds.

Advent of film industry has projected single-hood as the beacon of success portraying family life as a baggage which better be thrown off at first instance if one has to keep up the pace with 21st century. It is fascinating but proponents of such success ironically find themselves in old homes when it wears off and crying over the aftereffects of their ordeal echoes wails of untimely tragedies.
Relationships Relationships Reviewed by Zintovlogs on October 12, 2019 Rating: 5

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This is the current condition of these people after rain it is really heartbreaking

district Badin This is the current condition of these people after rain it is really heartbreaking and very sad . They have no facilities e...

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