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Sonet Liv

O, how much more doth beauty beauteous seem
By that sweet ornament which truth doth give!
The rose looks fair, but fairer we it deem
For that sweet odour  which doth in it live.
The canker-blooms have full as deep a dye
As the perfumed tincture of the roses,
Hang on such thorns and play as wantonly 
When summer's breath their masked buds discloses:
But, for their virtue only is their show,
They live unwoo'd and unrespected fade,
Die to themselves. Sweet roses do not so;
of their sweet deaths are sweetest odours made:
And so of you, beauteous and lovely youth,
when that shall fade, my verse distills your truth,

William Shakespeare

Sonet Liv Sonet Liv Reviewed by Zintovlogs on March 08, 2020 Rating: 5

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This is the current condition of these people after rain it is really heartbreaking

district Badin This is the current condition of these people after rain it is really heartbreaking and very sad . They have no facilities e...

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