Shape like a heart in love of someone,
Having a name like the heroine of a love story,
All round I see the resorts for love,
Nude of the nature with hidden glory.
Gorgeous beauty of a fairy I see.
Rare are the charms of your curved auricles,
I arose from the shores of the Arabian sea
Like clouds I shall rain at your ventricles,
A pearl for you, no excuses, just accept my plea.
Akhtar Jawad
Having a name like the heroine of a love story,
All round I see the resorts for love,
Nude of the nature with hidden glory.
Gorgeous beauty of a fairy I see.
Rare are the charms of your curved auricles,
I arose from the shores of the Arabian sea
Like clouds I shall rain at your ventricles,
A pearl for you, no excuses, just accept my plea.
Akhtar Jawad
Shangrila - Poem by Akhtar Jawad
Reviewed by Zintovlogs
August 11, 2020

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