It's holiday time on the hollyhock hills,
And I wish you would come with me laddie-love, now,
The butterfly-bells, from the Folly-fool rills,
Will ring if you listen, and drop on your brow.
So, dear come along,
I've a kiss and a song,
And I know where the fairies are forging a gong
To ring up the elves to a festival fair.
Of snippets of sunshine and apples of air.
O laddie, my laddie, quick, run out of school,
And away with a shout and shake or the head;
I'll pick you a pearl from the pigeon-pink pool
Where cuddles and kisses are going to bed,
Away, come away to the lands of the fay;
For the afternoon tinkles your lassie-love's lay.
play truant with Time, and while Age is asleep
I'll give you the heart of my girlhood to keep.
Zora Bernice May Cross
Girl Gladness.
Reviewed by Zintovlogs
April 06, 2020

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