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Girl In Love

That's my window. This minute
So gently did I alight 
From sleep--was still floating in it.
Where has my life its limit
And where begins the night?

I could fancy all things around me 
Were nothing but I as yet;
Like a crystal's depth, profoundly 
Mute, translucent, unlit.

I have space to spare inside me 
For the stars, too: so full of room
Feels my heart; so lightly
Would it let go of him, whom

For all I know I have srated
To love, it may be to hold.
Strange, as if never charted,
Stares my fortune untold.

Why is it I am bedded 
Beneath this infinitude,
Fragrant like a meadow,
Hither and thither moved,

Calling out, yet fearing
Someone might hear the cry,
Destined to disappearing
Within another I.

Rainer Maria Rilke

Girl In Love Girl In Love Reviewed by Zintovlogs on April 06, 2020 Rating: 5

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This is the current condition of these people after rain it is really heartbreaking

district Badin This is the current condition of these people after rain it is really heartbreaking and very sad . They have no facilities e...

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